Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Atlantis Tile Survey

For the next several days, I will be posting updates and brief video segments covering the current shuttle mission, STS-125. As I mentioned previously, this is the LAST servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope.

Today, the crew of Atlantis is doing an extensive survey of the Thermal Protection System, which includes all the protective tiles on the underside of the shuttle, as well as the nosecap and wing leading-edge surfaces. This survey, performed on the first full day in orbit, has been standard protocol on every shuttle mission since the Columbia accident, to ensure that there hasn't been any damage to the shuttle during launch.

This video shows part of that survey. This view is loooking at the port (left) side of Atlantis, just behind the nose, at the thruster ports. The camera, mounted on the orbiter's robotic arm, moves back, toward the crew hatch....

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