Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturn and the Moon

We are FINALLY getting some spring weather! This weekend, we are blessed with sunny days and clear, cold nights. I took advantage of the weather and got out with my 10" telescope last night to photograph Saturn (my first Saturn images this year!). The Moon was out, too, so I shot some craters while I was at it.....enjoy.....

Because of the changing orientation of Saturn's orbit around the Sun, the rings are viewed "edge-on", as opposed to years past, when the full glory of
the rings were visible as Saturn was tilted toward us.

This over-exposed image shows 3 of Saturn's moons!

...and speaking of moons, here are some images of prime real-estate on the Moon.....

The large crater, Plato. This crater is about 70 miles in diameter! (Note the long valley at the right...)

The crater, Tycho (center) has a large, prominent central peak.

Copernicus has two central peaks!

Mountains on the Moon!


My Picture blog! said...

Awesome pictures!

Susan Lea Howley said...

Very cool!

Kat said...

Wow, very very cool pictures! Thanks for sharing those.