Monday, August 31, 2009

Moon and Jupiter on Monday Night

The waxing gibbous Moon and Jupiter can be seen crossing the southern sky, in this 2 hour image. A single exposure was taken every 6 minutes. Jupiter is the faint series of dots just above and to the left of the bright Moon....(click on image for larger version).

Friday, August 28, 2009

Andromeda, Sweet Andromeda....

I finally finished processing an image of the Andromeda Galaxy (M-31) which I took last Sunday night. This image was created from several 1-minute exposures taken at around 2:00 a.m. on Monday, August 24.

The galaxy is located at a distance of 2.5 million lightyears away from us. (ONE lightyear is about 6 TRILLION miles!!!) All of the stars in this image are foreground stars...meaning that they are all in our own Milky Way Galaxy. We are looking through these stars to Andromeda, far, far away.

Also, the area of sky that the image covers is no bigger than the end of your pinky finger, held out at arm's length!!!! If you take a moment and consider how many stars are visible in that tiny area of sky, then imagine how many more stars there are in the rest of the sky!!!!!! Whoa!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's Hard Work Being A Farmer!

I pulled all of my carrots out of the ground the other day. They were all pretty strange-looking, but very tasty. I think the reason for the "mutant" carrots is because my plot wasn't tilled deep enough.
I'm in the process of expanding my garden plot, so I am going to focus on tilling double-deep for next season. Also, I think I will plant smaller carrots (4-6"). My onion and carrot plots will be twice as large as they were this year. I'm growing radishes this year on the deck, and hope to put in a large crop next spring. Still getting cherry tomatoes, too. Lots of little "greenies" on the vine!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Radishes Galore

These are my radishes, 11 days old. I started another batch of seeds today. In about 10 days, I'll start some more. By then, these should be ready to eat! This farmer stuff is kinda fun, y'know?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pan-BBQ Chicken and Walla-Walla Onions

Taking an idea from a friend at work, I thought I would try a different kind of BBQ'd chicken......
The onion that I used for this was the largest one so far, weighing in at 18 oz. (1 lb., 2 oz.)!!!!! And I still have 20 in the ground, still growing.....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cow Dogs

Let's take a stroll around the veggie garden.....