Thursday, October 2, 2014


The moment Dave realized that Kurt was in town...

Sunday, September 14, 2014


A few of you have asked if I have any video of our band reunion last month.  Well...I'm waiting for a DVD from someone who took a lot of video of the event.
In the meantime, here is a brief time-lapse clip. (no sound...sorry)......

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

2014....So Far.....

Well, it's the 2nd day of September (2014) and all is well.
I planted my garden around the 1st of June and everything is harvested, now (except some lingering cherry tomatoes in the front yard).
Lots of Walla-Walla onions, carrots and radishes.
Next project: plant Rye Grass seed in the beds for winter cover.

Last month (August), I spent a week in Roseburg, Oregon with my best friends. We had a band reunion/party at a good friend's house...lots of good food, friends and fun. The weather was in the mid-80's to mid 90's.

Also, in early August, we had a nice thunderstorm here. It's been several years since I've enjoyed something like this. I just love a good light-show...don't you?????

Here's wishing you the very best for the rest of the year.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Still Lovin' It

 When I was in...probably 6th or 7th grade, I had a 3-speed bicycle.
I used to ride it up and down the sidewalk, pretending I was driving a bus.
I'd ride along for awhile, then pull into a neighbor's driveway to pick up passengers.
I would always leave the bike in high gear, so that it felt like I was driving a big, heavy bus.
Back and forth along the and out of "bus stops" I would go.

When I was in Jr. High and High School, I rode the bus to school a lot. I loved to sit in the front, where I could watch the driver shift, then double-clutch, then shift again that big old Gillig 6-speed bus. I remember being fascinated with looking out the front doors and seeing the street go by...less than a foot below the steps; even more amazed at how effortlessly he maneuvered that monster full of kids safely through traffic.

At the time, I don't think I wanted to be a bus driver, but I was just in awe of anyone who could do that.

Well...look at me now. Going on 16 years and still lovin' it........................(city bus...not school bus!!!)

Saturday, February 8, 2014