Had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. My middle daughter, Heather and I spent Christmas with my oldest daughter, Mandy and her family. Her husband, Roosevelt, cooked a fantastic Prime Rib dinner. I enjoyed the time with the kids and Roxy, their 70 lb. Boxer. (She's a hoot to wrestle with)
The New Year was brought in quietly with my Daschunds, Boone and Sadie. We always sit and watch the fireworks around the neighborhood. They do great when they can actually see what is making all the loud noises. We spend July 4th the same way.
I'm getting ready (and psyched) to go to Oregon at the end of the month to play with my band again. This time, it will be at Splitz Bar and Grill in Roseburg. (a different venue than in August at the Oakridge "Just Us" music festival). This time, instead of our guitarist, Kurt coming from Hawaii, we will have a very talented picker named Dusty sitting in with us). Along with Toby on keyboards, Jeff on guitar, Frank on bass, Dwight on drums and myself on guitar, we will have a great time playing 2 hours of classic rock and southern rock.