Monday, September 28, 2009

The Moon, Jupiter and the Belt of Venus

This panorama image shows a pinkish haze just above the eastern horizon, shortly after sunset. This haze is call the Belt of Venus. Above it, is blue sky. Below it, is the darkness of Earth's shadow. As the Sun sinks lower and lower below the western horizon, the shadow rises higher in the east until.....ta-da.....nighttime!!!! (The white dot at the right is the Moon)

Our Solar System's largest planet, Jupiter can be seen in this image (center), while the Moon shines at right. The two are getting closer together this week, until, in a couple of nights, Jupiter will be on the right of the Moon.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I recently downloaded a really cool program ("Auto Stitch") that creates a panorama photograph from several individual photos. Below, is my culdesac as seen in a 360° panorama. The 2-story house with the garage door opened is mine..... Click on image for a larger version.....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Boone's Ramp

Boone, my male 11-year old Daschund has been having some weakness in his back legs, making it hard for him to get up the 3 steps to the deck. I used two 2 x 6's as a ramp for him. It didn't take long for him to figure out it is much easier to use the ramp......

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Perfect Catch

After the shuttle Discovery undocked from the International Space Station, it performed a "fly-around of the station, before departing ahead of the station. (The shuttles AWAYS do it that way)

As predicted by Heavens, the ISS passed almost directly over my location. What I DIDN'T expect, was to capture Discovery only 4 minutes ahead of ISS!!!

This video shows the shuttle crossing the sky first, then, 4 minutes later....ISS. (the motion-detection software I use captured only the events, and not the gap in between)

New Radishes

A new crop of radishes is popping up in the garden plot...

Friday, September 4, 2009


I decided to pull up the first batch of radishes tonight after work. It's been just under 4 weeks since planting them in small yogurt containers. The tops were pretty large and leafy, so I figured the radishes were almost ready. The largest one was about an inch in diameter. Very tasty.

I have several more crops growing, and more to plant in the near future, giving me a continuous supply for as long as they keep growing. I have about 24 in the ground and more in planters on the deck. Yummmmm.