Well, it's been 2 weeks since my last post and I've gotten the shrubbery and ground cover planted. Today, I bought a dozen small Boxwood plants for hedging...hopefully to keep Boone and Sadie out of this side of the yard. At $10.00 each, it will be a little while before I get the rest put in (blue arrow). It is about 40 feet from the back of the house to the back fence, and the Boxwoods are about 14 inches apart....need about 24 more. A small gate near the house will allow access from the south side of the yard.
The brick outline represents the border between the shrubbery and the vegetable garden. The tomatoes are doing great....no fruit, yet, but the plants are big and healthy. Just waiting to see how they do this year, then next year I will try radishes, potatoes and maybe cucumbers.